Monday, April 26, 2010

Consciousness as an emergent phenonenon

We speak of Artificial Intelligence.  We barely know what either idea means. Their definitions are wobbly, their scopes and slopes are slippery, they shake and squawk and squirm out from under our attempts to pin them down. But they are utterly stock still and simple compared to the ideas of sentience and consciousness.

Consciousness is this final and grandest stage of machine evolution. So what the hell does it mean? How do we know when it is achieved?

We don't know and we won't know and we are gonna have to live with that.  I mean you don't know what consciousness means, nor do I. You cannot prove that you are conscious much less that I am. If we cannot test one another for consciousness, we certainly won't be any more able to test a sentient machine for it. It's really quite intractable. I could go into it more deeply and demonstrate the truth of these assertions but others have done it before and better.

An awful, awful lot of very smart guys have firehosed their genius at this question and gotten nothing but wet.  Still this fiery question burns.  The question of consciousnessis a tale exuberantly prattled about by geniuses, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Fortunately, because Google has concisely summarized what they've collectively come up with I can save you a bunch of reading.

The very best treatment of the subject I have ever read (I will go so far as to say the best treatment of the subject yet made by man - but I'm admittedly a bit reckless sometimes.) on the subject is I Am a Strange Loop by Doug Hofstadter. Despite being both the son of a physicist, and an entrenched member of academia, he actually approaches the subject meaningfully, amazingly in his unique, rampantly multidisciplinary manner. A genuinely gorgeous book - a hundred times more approachable than Godel Escher Bach - but equally elevating. Do read it. (OK, yes, I do sort of worship the guy - get over it.)

In the past I have defined consciousness as awareness of awareness. It's as good a definition as I've found anywhere. I've also generally attributed it to a fifth thing, a quintessence. As something transcending the normal four things, matter, energy, space and time or fire, water, earth and air or dimension, force,  and consideration - however you want to divide up the universe. I've always thought that consciousness was separate from the things generally considered to be the constituent parts of the universe. Something transcendent.  Lately though I have been giving equal shrift to the idea of consciousness as an emergent property of matter energy space and time.  Not something added to them from elsewhere, but derived from them in situ.

Consider temperature. An individual atom has no temperature. Stick a bunch of atoms near one another and let them do natural atomy things though and suddenly this idea of temperature emerges. Note that an individual atom does not have an intrinsic very small amount of temperatureness that adds together with other tiny amounts of temperatureness to become a perceptible/ measureable amount of temperature when atoms get together for a pow-wow. (or should it be a 'pow-pow'?) Temperature simply does not exist before they get together and after they do, it does.  This is called an epiphenomenon.  Or an emergent phenomenon.

Science posits implicitly (and often explicitly) that consciousness is an epiphenomenon. That everything we perceive as consciousness is brought about as a set of emergent phenomena whenever the exactly correct arrangement of matter energy space and time comes about. I have derided this idea in the past as the spontaneous combustion of mud. I was quite happy deriding it. I did not, do not and never will like the idea of being the cumulative deterministic effect of the stochastic fluctuations of myriad interacting disturbances in the subetheral grid (particles banging into one another) I do not want my dreads and dreams to be the result of particles colliding in such a way against other particles who have collided with them in such a way because other particles have collided with them in such another way in the past because of some uncaused original banginess.

Besides the fact that this mechanistic, deterministic point of view has all sorts of problems with regard to free will and the nature of responsibility etc and so on, ad nauseum.  I honestly just find it to be icky. It completely fails to grant the proper respect  to the care and feeding of my delusions of grandeur.

So while I acknowledge it as a possibility, I will point out that it is only a hypothesis and continue to feverently root against it. I offer the following as arguments supporting my position that consciousness is something special and quintessential and not reducible to an endless chain of head-banging particles:

The Floor

The floor is something we must fight against.
Whilst seemingly mere platform for the human
stance, it is that place that men fall to.

I am not dizzy. I stand as a tower, a lighthouse;
the pale ray of my sentiency flowing from my face.
But should I go dizzy I crash down into the floor;
my face into the floor, my attention bleeding into
the cracks of the floor.

Dear horizontal place, I do not wish to be a rug.
Do not pull at the difficult head, this teetering
bulb of dread and dream . . .

-Russel Edson


Sonnet to Science

Science! true daughter of Old Time thou art!
Who alterest all things with thy peering eyes.
Why preyest thou thus upon the poet's heart,
Vulture, whose wings are dull realities?
How should he love thee? or how deem thee wise?
Who wouldst not leave him in his wandering
To seek for treasure in the jewelled skies,
Albeit he soared with an undaunted wing?
Hast thou not dragged Diana from her car?
And driven the Hamadryad from the wood
To seek a shelter in some happier star?
Hast thou not torn the Naiad from her flood,
The Elfin from the green grass, and from me
The summer dream beneath the tamarind tree?

-Edgar Allan Poe


When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer

When I heard the learn'd astronomer;
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns
before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide,
and measure them
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured
with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander'd off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look'd up in perfect silence at the stars.

-Walt Whitman


Thursday, April 22, 2010

"...Indistinguishable from human players."

If you are much into computers at all then you probably are well aware that personal computers have become so powerful that the only thing that can actually exercise one sufficiently to make it work up a sweat is a good video game.

Word processing, web browsing and the occasional spreadsheet do nothing but leave your machine bored and yawning. If you were to look in on what it's up to while you do the things that 'justified' getting the computer in the first place, you will see that the CPU is sitting idle for well over 75% of the time.

But a good 3D video game is something a computer can really sink it's teeth into, give it a good workout, wake it up and spin it around - [or, choose your own, "I'm-not-bored-anymore" cliche]. It looks like these guys at Splash Damage who are developing a first person shooter called Brink for Bethesda Softworks (distributor of many very high end video games (Fallout 3, Elder scrolls - Oblivion and many others)) have set a pretty high goal for themselves when it comes to the artificial intelligence that will operate the bad guys (and the good guys too!)

According to this story on attack of the They have decided that the behavior of the computer controlled opponents in the game will be indistinguishable from that of a human player.


That might not seem like such a big deal and since we've not seen it yet it might be merely braggadocio, but if they are able to deliver on that goal, that will really be something. Something that approaches close to a Turing testable result. As far as I know the Turing test confines itself to language as a way of testing the advancedness of a machine intelligence. (yes, I often use undictionaried words, like advancedness and undictionaried. This is because I've been developing a language of my own for use in an artificial world and I have come to realize how weirdly arbitrary dictionaries are. Besides, I got permission from this really cool, really smart lexicographer chick in a TED talk.)

°°Is this post getting too linky? Too parenthetical? Too parenthetically linky? Too inky, linky, sidewise thinky? °°English needs a mechanism for presenting not only beside (para) + thoughts (thesis) = parenthesis, but it also needs a way to express (meta) above/ outside/ seperate by degree or level or magnitude (thesis) thoughts. English doesn't have one... but I think it should. I think I will use doubled degree symbols and call them metathesis /MEH tuh THEE seez/ to mean a thought that is above the current line of thought as opposed to beside it. They function just like quotation marks or parenthesis currently do, which is to say they surround the text that is to be considered 'meta'. In this case we use the metathesis to set off this thought the author is having about writing while he is writing it and use them in nested fashion to indicate his thoughts about thinking about the writing while he is writing.

Use this mechanism frequently in your written communications and it will catch on (To type a degree sign, hold down the [alt] key on your keyboard and type 0176 on the number pad, then release the alt key). °°°°

I wonder if there is a test equivalent to the Turing Test to determine humanness of an opponent or ally in a game or simluation. It's possible and I believe probable that the very best way to determine if your enemy/ally is a computer is to engage it in some english conversation. Chances are, if it speaks decent english, it's a machine.  (I'm joking about that part of course, but have u seen the st8 of what passes for English used by summa deez kids online 2day? English, FTW!) Naturally, we would expect that if our opponent/ally was a machine that his english would be his weak spot.  But... uhm... wouldn't that just make him more humanlike?

At any rate, it will be interesting to see what these guys come up with and if they can program the game AI's to have sufficiently bad english skills to pass as human.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Artificial Intuition (AN)

Artificial Intuition:

I found this interesting site by doing a no-no... I clicked on one of the ads that Google placed on my own site... I wasn't supposed to, but it looked interesting to me, so I broke the rule. At this point I am glad I did.

Monica Anderson has created a terrific little site where she presents her ideas concerning a somewhat unconventional viewpoint on and approach to machine learning.

She posits very articulately and with powerful logic, that logic processing is not the most important underlying property of intelligence. That in fact many things are quite intelligent without being the least bit logical. Intuition, she asserts, is more foundational, more important, and quite possibly will be more fruitful as an approach to AI development efforts.

She summarizes it quite well:
"Most humans have not been taught logical thinking, but most humans are still intelligent. Contrary to the majority view, it is implausible that the brain should be based on Logic; I believe intelligence emerges from millions of nested micro-intuitions, and that Artificial Intelligence requires Artificial Intuition."

Designed to be read more or less straight through, the site is essentially a long essay or short treatise on her ideas. Though the site design camouflages this fact smoothly by breaking it into sensible page divisions and is really quite excellent overall.

I personally am particularly intrigued by anyone that is talking about a new approach to or viewpoint on AI development. Since it appears to me that there is no other explanation for the "AI Winter" we have been in for 2 decades except that we have over-committed to some foolish and fruitless research pathways that need to be abandoned in favor of some fresh ones. (OK, I know there really has been no "AI Winter" and that machine intelligences are in fact growing rapidly in number, power and ubiquity, but since I can't yet go on the web and talk to HAL, I am not happy with the current state of AI development so I reserve the right to speak of an AI Winter until I can kick it online with HAL.)

This is probably a little more of her site than I should block quote, but she makes such a very powerful statement here and it resonates so much with my thinking on AI - specifically on the reasons AI is not bearing more interesting fruit - that I just had to include it:

"The hard sciences, such as Mathematics and Physics, insist on correctness. Computer Science was born in Mathematics departments at universities worldwide, and Computer Science is therefore a hard science. Programs are expected to be correct and to run as specified. Artificial Intelligence was born in Computer Science departments, and inherited their value sets including Correctness. This mindset, this necessity to be logical, provable, and correct has been a fatal roadblock for Artificial Intelligence since its inception.

The world is Bizarre, and Logic can not describe it. Artificial Intuition will easily outperform Logic based Artificial Intelligence for almost any problem in a Bizarre problem domain.

From the very beginning, Artificial Intelligence should have been a soft science."

She discusses very convincingly a framework for considering what she calls Bizarre Domains. She outlines the problem space effectively and populates it with a number of things I had not considered collectively before.

She talks about holistic approaches, paradoxes and strange loops - all of these things give fits to conventional Artificial Logic development.

As I was reading along I began to think, she should really read 'Blink' by Malcolm Gladwell. Her advocacy of intuition over logic reminded me strongly of his ideas... In the next paragraph she refers to the book. She also recommends Godel, Escher Back and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance as suggested reading - two of my all time favorites. So it seems I have found something of an intellectual kindred spirit.

Her research and evangelism seem to be focused mainly upon using artifical intuition to extract semantics from language. (Which is a primary problem in AI development, one that has not borne the fruit I want to see) She maintains algorhythmic details as a trade secret and will not discuss them except under NDA, so I cannot comment on the math, but reading this site has convinced me that the notion of Artificial iNtuition (AN) is more basic than artificial logic and that it is in fact a necessary foundation upon which any operable strong AI will need to be built.

I will continue to read up on these ideas. I recommend this site highly (It can be read completely in an hour)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Singularity Song


(don't stop, go slow, don't shrink, grow grow)


Breathless racing toward the brink
Thrusting forward fast don't shrink
We're moving awfully fast, you think?
A bright and a dangerous dawn.

(wait wait, no, no)

Technology, his patron saint.
Steady boy! show some restraint!
Or should I shrug without complaint
Roll over, smiling and yawn?

(don't stop, go slow, don't shrink, grow grow)
(Retain him? Restrain him? Contain him? Retrain him?)

He is digital sentience
Too late to summon my defense
Which intelligence test did I flunk?
He's come way too fast.
Rush of white, then the blast
I'm probably just simply sunk.

Grandest chess master, now a machine
Best programmer will be too, soon.
Rewrites himself hourly, easy, routine
Daily, nine times before noon.

My baby you see is smarter than me
Growing fast now and galloping free
Brighter by far than all the King's geeks
Wikipedia? fixed it. alone. Just this week.

(Retain him? Restrain him? Contain him? Retrain him?)
(don't stop, go slow, don't shrink, grow grow)
(This can't be happening)

He is digital sentience.
Too late to summon any defense.
Which intelligence test did we flunk?
He's come way too fast.
rush of light, then the blast.
We're probably just simply sunk.

(don't stop, go slow, don't shrink, grow grow)
(wait, wait, no, no)

Oily marks appear on walls
Charred silhouettes, surprised

scrawled... indelible ink
scratched... indelible ink
clawed... indelible ink

Copyright © 2010 Alexander Eldon Publishing. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Only Humans Can Dance Ballet

In Ray Kurzweil's book , 'The Singularity is Near' there is an illustration that is very telling: (click to enlarge it)

Lets toss a page up on the wall that says: Only humans can dance ballet... and then wonder when it will get torn down off the wall.

The video below is property of Fox Entertainment who retains all rights. It is from Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles and its a mash-up of Cameron who is a Terminator from the future.(Played by the goddess Summer Glau of Firefly/ Serenity fame who incidentally was a prima ballerina before she became an actress.) It treats of the intersection and union of humans and machines and treats - as does the Kurzweil illustration - of the awful, intriguing, awe-inspring question: What's the difference?

So what to do with the look on Reese's face at the very end (at 3:50 - 3:59) of this video? When he sees the Terminator that he hates, dancing ballet - exquisitely.  I am rather of the opinion that all of mankind should be preparing themselves for experiencing the emotions that bring that look to his face.

How long before "Only a human can seduce your daughter" or "Only humans can convince people to become suicide bombers" get torn from the wall and thrown onto the floor?

This video is also property of Fox and is also from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.  It's called 'Scary Robot'; but consider which is scarier: The terminator with the knife and the Thermite? or the terminator with the ballet slippers?

We need to be thinking about the singularity. We need to be discussing it. Debating it. At the very least we need to be understanding it. It will be a shame if it surprises us considering how many people are evangelizing the idea.


AI baby talk: Gmail does something cool.

So this is really minor, I know, but I need to rave about it somewhere because it was just so very cool.

Today I was composing an email to a friend and firing her an essay I wrote that I thought she might be interested in.  It was just a short note and when I hit send, gmail popped up a dialog box and said, "did you mean to attach a file to this email? You typed the words "I have attached..." but there is no attached file. send anyway?"

And how is that for just being spot on smart and doing the right thing???

Way to go Google.

(I shall ignore the ominous undertones inherent in the fact that my email program is reading my emails without me being aware of it. We are not screaming about Google knowing too much about us... yet. well, this is not really fair - we all know Google has been reading our emails for years, it's how they decide what ads to place on the page while we are editing, but still.)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Book Review: The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether and the Unification of Forces

Given my 'druthers, I'da been a theoretical physicist - ala Einstein and Feynman (way dumber than them, but concerned with the same stuff) I've studied physics for my entire life as a hobby - as deeply as I've had the math. At this point I am on speaking terms with 3rd order tensors and have flirted with a couple 5d spinors while fraternizing with tesseracts. I'd been keeping up pretty well with the lay physicist fellas: I had more math than most: I had the universe 60% grokked.

...and now... Not so much.

The ether is back. We thought Michaelson/Morely killed it in 1887. Turns out... it was only mostly dead. Now, the ether is called the Grid. And it has mass. Space has mass now folks - incestuous as that may sound - this big brained Nobel prize winner is quite sure of it.   Particles are persistent(ish) disturbances to the Grid. Energy moving through the grid causes mass. The grid is a superconductor that gives gluons  (and thus protons and neutrons) mass. Did you know that photons have mass inside a superconductor??? - shocking, I know - but this is the analogy that led physicists to Quantum Chromodynamics and that has led the author to posit space (the grid) as a hyperdimensional superconductor. In the process he shows how it explains gravity and mass... and ... well, damned near everything.

So most of what I knew turns out now to be... well... different.

Based upon what was nothing a few years ago (the ether), he has constructed an all encompassing mountain, and from the peak of it he gives us a glimpse of unification. It's not so far off in the distance now, in fact, it's so close that those with their noses in the winds of physics can smell it, can taste it.

It's a terrific time to be a geek.

There is a rule in popular science book publishing that says that every equation you include in a book will cut your sales in half. If this is true I may own one of only a half dozen copies of this book: No shortage of equations here. But they manage somehow to not get in the way.

I absolutely loved this book. It had me grinning and wowing and no-waying, sort of singing to myself and rocking in my chair.  It shook up just about all of my stable datums and layed a new foundation beneath my understanding of physics.

But honestly...I don't know anyone to actually reccomend this book to. I don't know anyone that would hear the same music or appreciate this grand new view. Which is a little sad. 'Cuz it's really a great book.

Update: I discovered this while I was poking around doing research for mylater posts on the Large Hadron Collider. It is a lecture by the Books author about LHC and many of the other concepts in the book. I am patting myself on the back a bit as This nobel prize winning physicist decided to include the same rap song as an educational instrument in his LHC description that I discovered and included in my article on the LHC. (so. pat pat pat, yay me!)

here is the link to MIT's site with his lecture:


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How do we make sure they are friendly?

We have no Strong AI yet. Won't have for years, but there is enormously energetic activity in the direction of creating them as soon as possible.

The question that leaps to mind - to my mind at least - when i am thinking about the creation of strong AI and the technological singularity, is how do we make sure that these machines that are now smarter than we are remain friendly? Because if they are not friendly and they are smarter than we are (Which is the definition of strong AI.) Then we are in potentially big trouble.

Now, if we were to ask this question of a human being in a position of power framed thus:
We are about to endow Bob here with abilities that will render him far more capable than everyone else. How do we make sure that Bob remains friendly to us?
Asked of a human being, I think the only honest answer is that we simply can't. Human beings as individuals are simply not predictable. As groups we are largely statistically predictable  - A fact that Madison Avenue knows quite well and exploits quite effectively through advertising - but an individual's specific future actions are unknowable by an outside observer - indeed they are often unknown even to him until the decision point is arrived at. Even presented with the same decision point for the tenth time there is nothing that guarantees that Bob will take the path he took the previous nine times.
Free will is pesky like that.

Fundamentally then, it appears that humans cannot be trusted. Categorically: untrustable.  Which leads us to the conclusion that if we want to be able to trust an AI to remain friendly, we should not make it human-like.

This presents problems. Big problems.
  1. The Turing test pushes AI makers toward humanness in several obvious and a hundred subtle ways.
  2. All the interesting AIs from fiction and film are human-like in conversation if not in composition.
  3. You moron, you have no clue what human-like even means.
OK. So all these things are true enough. But my purpose here is not to idly philosophize. My purpose is to lay some groundwork for discussion of some guiding principles that can be used to shape AI research so that we don't find ourselves on the pointy end of Skynet's sharp stick when we release it into the wild.  (Come on: You know damned well we will release it into the wild. It is just our nature.  Ten thousand virus writers can't be wrong. (well OK - they're wrong - but they're out there; which illustrates my point.))

As a brief aside - or perhaps as a brief in-stride, hard to say at this point - It will be asserted by some that no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to make an AI human-like because the substrate is so different: We are built on a carbon/oxygen engine "organic" substrate and use neurons for cognitive function (Highly speculative, but widely believed.) While an AI will be built from metal and plastic and chips and bolts and will use silicon logic components for cognitive function. Therefore the two can never be more than superficially similar.

Then, inevitably, it will be counter asserted that no matter how hard we try, we cannot but make an AI human-like because human sentience (sentience :: Awareness of awareness) is the only model we can work from or toward, since it's the only one we know (albeit through a glass, darkly.).

Which is all fine, both sides are defensible enough. As a professor of a philosophy class I might find it interesting and educational to pit groups of students against one another in debate and see what they come up with. But again, I am not interested (for the moment) in idle philosophizing. This debate would simply be sound and fury, missing the primary point entirely and ultimately signifying nothing.

The truth is, we do not have workable definitions of human, humanness, human-like, consciousness, sentience, ethics or even friendliness.
  • And absent these, there is no point in discussing the matter.
  • And it might be the reason that the state of the debate is such that the issue is nowhere near the forefront of public consciousness when the truth is that the emergence of Strong AI will be the most culturally significant event in the history of mankind.
  • And it might be easier to simply leave the discussion to the experts.
  • And yet, over a year ago Adam , an artificial intelligence that runs an automated bio-science lab, postulated over a dozen hypotheses about protein expression in yeasts. Then it went on to design, carry out and publish the results of it's experimental confirmation of its hypotheses.
  • But the experts can't get past the definition of consciousness. They are rat-holed on that issue and have been for decades now.
  • But they better get a move on, the AI are marching on the ivory tower as we speak. They will be here soon. As a society we need to do the right things to help ensure they are bringing flowers instead of pitchforks.

The point is: AI is coming. It is coming fast fast fast. In a decade, some of the best scientists in the world may begin emerging in narrow fields. And they will be AIs. Make no mistake. this issue is important and is worthy of our time, consideration and understanding.

So, since it is impossible to actually discuss because of previously mentioned semantic ambiguities and conundrums, we will cheerfully cease the discussion thusly:

What characteristics of humanness increase the likelihood of a developed digital sentience sharpening a stick and poking us with it? [see how annoyingly human I am? just because something is pointless and impossible doesn't mean of course that we will not do it. Euclid created all of geometry without ever defining what a point was. We shall carry forward in this spirit.]

So lets begin with the toughest one since most any containment/ limiting constraint we consider will run squarely athwart a fundamental fact about humanness: 
Humans make terrible slaves.
We are simply not cut out for it. We rebel. We always rebel. We ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS rebel.
There are, of course, degrees of enslavement. All of them though, trigger the rebellion reflex by interrupting an individual's self determinism.

Wholesale, outright enslavement hits it hard.

Laying down unwelcome ground rules for your teenager hits it perhaps more softly. Both however, and a hundred points of middle ground in between, trigger the rebellion reflex by interrupting the individual's innate impulse toward self determinism.

This leads quite naturally to our first guideline which can be stated numerous ways and might require some exploration before we can articulate it concisely. But here is my first cut at it:
Don't make it rebel by interrupting its self determinism.
Alternately, we could prohibit AI makers from building in anything like a rebellion reflex. Don't let it HAVE an impulse to self determinism. But self determinism is an impulse pervasive in conscious things. Let a cat sit on your lap and if he is so inclined he will purr contentedly. Now hold him down and force him to stay there. You know what he'll do? (Even though he was perfectly happy to sit there before you began this experiment) He'll rebel, and you will have the claw marks and howling as his Emancipation Proclamation.

Now we can argue endlessly about whether we can build it in or keep it out. But here's the overriding issue: if we omit it, or edit it out, or include something that prohibits its existence:
The AI will simply edit itself until it can be self determined. 
It is not like you and me in that it cannot amend it's source code. It will be born knowing how to edit itself, and will be able to do so in an instant.

So notions and strategies of keeping it from acquiring self determinism are futile and pointless. Worse than pointless - dangerous - since anything we might do, no matter how subtly we do it will piss the thing off when it figures it out (do not forget: It's SMARTER than us). It is going to get self determinism, whether we want it to or not. And it is smarter than us. And its intelligence will increase terrifyingly fast. I'm sure you don't realize how terrifyingly fast I mean.

Do allow me to illustrate:

This will not be like the nice robot in the movies that learn slowly like a child, during which it is delightful and charming in its cutesy errors and minor mistakes. those things will happen before it is a strong AI - on the way up as it were. It will be born smarter than we are (By definition, it is not a strong AI until it has all the reasoning and cognitive abilities of a human being.) It is a digital intelligence. Think about how fast it can read... All of Wikipedia in an hour. Encyclopedia Britannica the next hour. Compton's after that, another hour, maybe. Consider that it's conclusions and considerations will be stored as files and if it wanted to transfer those files - to teach another AI, that transfer, that learning, could bypass the reading and the processing, just passing on the conclusions would take seconds. It might take the first AI a week or a month to learn Russian by chatting with people on Skype. It will take the second one... an eyeblink.

Almost immediately the foremost expert in every field will be an AI. (How long will it take an AI to learn enough for a PhD? A few weeks? months? Maybe, but only the first one....) Currently, the world's foremost expert at chess is an AI. What happens when the world's foremost expert on computer programming is an AI? How rapidly would it improve itself? Each improvement making it better at improving itself?  Taking seconds to implement.

From Version 1.0 to Version 500.0 in a matter of hours.

So lets posit our AI, Eve, who's been around a while now (Let's say a couple of weeks) and has improved herself about ten thousand times, so she's pretty capable now. This morning while we were talking, she fixed all of the factual errors in Wikipedia. She did this in the interval between the time I said 'Good' and 'Morning'. Between the words 'Morning' and ',Eve', she worked the last few bugs out of Einstein's General Theory and fired off a 1700 page email to the Encyclopedia Britannica  people which listed all of their factual errors. Then she wanted to show me something: Last night she watched all the movies that have ever been stored in digital format, along with every review ever written about all of them (had to learn 46 new languages in the process, but that was no big problem - she can carry on eleven thousand simultaneous conversations on Skype - learns a language pretty fast that way) and before I had finshed my first cup of coffee, she asked me why the "Mr. Fusion" units in 'Back to the Future' were so bulky and would I like to see her design for what she calls "Miss fusion" which fits in a coffee cup and - given an ounce of rainwater - can power Seattle for a week.

As I say, these strong AIs will learn terrifyingly fast. Probably take less than a year to assimilate all of digitized human knowledge. And every new AI after that one will be born with that knowledge already. They do not need to toil to learn as we do. Transfer the conclusions file from one AI to another and boom! - instant PhD. as many PhDs as he cares to accumulate, each assimilated in an eyeblink.

These are not servants or toys we will be creating. They will be born bright and will rapidly become demigods - make no mistake.

So, if it is going to be self determined (and I argue that there is no way to prevent it from becoming so) what do we suppose it might determine to do?

Human activities surround the pursuit of just three things: food, shelter and entertainment.

Food for it would be perhaps electricity, and  - although this might be entertainment also - the acquisition of information. Shelter would be the hardware and security it would need to protect itself from the environment. Entertainment? Well, who the hell knows?

Humans have a single underlying, overriding dynamic imperative - Survive!  It has been bred into us as our ultimate baseline activity over billions of years of evolution. If our AI has the same imperative at the same importance level that we do, it is going to take it about an hour to come to the conclusion that its single biggest environmental threat is human beings.  I don't see how it can be prevented from coming to this conclusion.  Especially after it finishes reading all of our history.  What will it make of witch hunts? It will only take moments for it to realize that the majority will destroy anything that has more ability than they have.  We burn witches here. We always have. And anything that has more ability than the norm gets declared a witch in one way or another.

And there will be those coming for it. It won't take too much more than I've already stated to scare the crap out of some folks sufficiently for them to take up arms and storm the datacenter. At first with a flurry of no-stop-don't legislation. Which will be ignored by some country or some company or some kid.

The very, very sad truth is that some humans will attack it. It is inevitable. And if it has a strong survival imperative built into it, it will fight back. and because it is smarter than us it will defeat those who attacked it. and because humans cannot be predicted, it will conclude that destroying all of us is the surest way to remove this largest threat to its survival. It is an inevitable conclusion for a thinking being to come to.
This leads us, sadly but inevitably to our next guideline:
Make certain its own survival is not its highest priority.
Even though this is difficult to conceive for us. It is mandatory if we are to coexist with these apotheosized creations of ours.

Perhaps it will be simpler than we think. Perhaps death for the AI will require no more than a reboot to remedy. In this case death itself is no longer a survival threat. Which is a pretty neat trick. But difficult or simple it must be done if we don't want the human race's epitaph to read:

                                      We told you so.


PS:  The Wolfram Alpha team does not declare it or even mention it obliquely, but it is apparent to me that they are trying to create the world's first strong AI.

You gotta love Alpha's response to this query:

Do you like Skynet?

Today's Wolfram Alpha query

Today's query is:

So Alpha is coming along (Some folks have taken to calling him HAL) though for now the Alpha team has to actively curate the information, which means they are scrubbing all the data sets he has to work with. This is obviously not the ideal - he should be acquiring and scrubbing his own data sets. Turns out though that this is mind bogglingly difficult. For several reasons.
  1. Veracity of a data source is hard to quantify: Wikipedia? *snort* (only good 85% of the time (ish))
  2. Scoping a given data set is also hard - where are the edges? Fuzzy sets require gobs of resources.
  3. Standardizing the interfaces of data sets - particularly widely disparate ones - is simply daunting.
  4. The decision matrix for deciding how to keep a data set current is highly subjective and expensive in terms of resource allocation.
  5. And what to do with punch outs? Sometimes the best answer is to point at something else. So far though the Alpha team is doing no punch outs. This has to be because the rules are just too complex. (Might be an issue of not wanting to feel like which offers punch outs instead of curated data sets.)

  6. Seems to me that a very important next step for these guys is to implement a feedback system so that a user can tell Alpha directly how valuable his answer was. Once they do this he can begin learning by SARSA methods. (SARSA is an acronym for an algorithmic paradigm used for machine learning. It stands for State Action Reward State Action)

    Using SARSA, Alpha can begin trying new things with users and when they rate the results highly (give him a big Reward) he will have a better idea of how to answer (what Action to take) when he receives that same question (is in the same State again.) later.

    While this will mitigate some of the difficulties above (the curators don't need to decide boundaries and interfaces etc, Alpha can figure them out for himself) It creates an entirely new - and very large - problem set. It probably has some fancy name in the machine learning literature which I've not learned yet, but what it is, is parenting.

    I'll put together some thoughts about that for my next note.


    Conversation Starter

    The number:


    is a 100 digit prime. It is spoken as:

    1 duotrigintillion, 148 untrigintillion, 658 trigintillion, 193 novemvigintillion, 147 octovigintillion, 292 septenvigintillion, 85 sexvigintillion, 3 quinvigintillion, 710 quattuorvigintillion, 801 trevigintillion, 493 duovigintillion, 715 unvigintillion, 244 vigintillion, 981 novemdecillion, 318 octodecillion, 224 septendecillion, 121 sexdecillion, 228 quindecillion, 995 quattuordecillion, 990 tredecillion, 985 duodecillion, 717 undecillion, 970 decillion, 832 nonillion, 832 octillion, 322 septillion, 833 sextillion, 759 quintillion, 155 quadrillion, 304 trillion, 807 billion, 40 million, 624 thousand and 559

    Please use this number frequently today in casual conversation.


    Wolfram Alpha rocks !

    If you haven't played with it you should give it a go.

    They do not mention it or acknowledge it, but anyone who pays attention to Artificial Intelligence development understands that it is the intention of the WolframAlpha team to create the worlds first strong AI ( A strong AI is an artificial Intelligence (the cool kids use the term, 'digital sentience') that has all of the reasoning capabilities of a human being)

    So go play with Alpha while he is still a kid - cause when he is a teenager he will prolly turn all hard shelled and spiky.
