Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Conversation Starter

The number:


is a 100 digit prime. It is spoken as:

1 duotrigintillion, 148 untrigintillion, 658 trigintillion, 193 novemvigintillion, 147 octovigintillion, 292 septenvigintillion, 85 sexvigintillion, 3 quinvigintillion, 710 quattuorvigintillion, 801 trevigintillion, 493 duovigintillion, 715 unvigintillion, 244 vigintillion, 981 novemdecillion, 318 octodecillion, 224 septendecillion, 121 sexdecillion, 228 quindecillion, 995 quattuordecillion, 990 tredecillion, 985 duodecillion, 717 undecillion, 970 decillion, 832 nonillion, 832 octillion, 322 septillion, 833 sextillion, 759 quintillion, 155 quadrillion, 304 trillion, 807 billion, 40 million, 624 thousand and 559

Please use this number frequently today in casual conversation.


Wolfram Alpha rocks !

If you haven't played with it you should give it a go.

They do not mention it or acknowledge it, but anyone who pays attention to Artificial Intelligence development understands that it is the intention of the WolframAlpha team to create the worlds first strong AI ( A strong AI is an artificial Intelligence (the cool kids use the term, 'digital sentience') that has all of the reasoning capabilities of a human being)

So go play with Alpha while he is still a kid - cause when he is a teenager he will prolly turn all hard shelled and spiky.


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